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CPE Survey

Charter Party Editor Survey

Your feedback matters! Take a few minutes to complete our survey.

    Contact Name

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Contact Details

    Company Name *

    Email Address *

    Job Title *

    1. Why did you choose SDSD’s Charter Party Editor Software? (select all that apply)

    Price of software
    Price of forms
    Used previously
    Ease of use of software
    Required to use it by supervisor/third party
    Selection of forms available
    Trust the SDSD brand

    2. How much do you agree with the following statement? “SDSD’s Charter Party Editor meets my specific needs and requirements”

    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot sureAgreeStrongly Agree

    3. What is most important to you now as a user about SDSD’s CPE?

    4. What do you dislike most about SDSD’s CPE?

    5. Do you agree that the following features are important to you for a future CPE version?

    Collaboration with third parties outside my company

    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot sureAgreeStrongly Agree

    Cloud based storage/document management

    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot sureAgreeStrongly Agree

    Digital signatures

    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot sureAgreeStrongly Agree

    Improved audit logs

    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot sureAgreeStrongly Agree


    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot sureAgreeStrongly Agree

    Additional contract clauses

    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot sureAgreeStrongly Agree

    Administrative support by SDSD

    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNot sureAgreeStrongly Agree

    6. Out of the list in Question 5 which is the most important to you?

    7. Is there a feature that is important to you that is missing from the list in Q5?

    8. Are there forms you would like to see added to SDSD's catalogue?

    9. Have you encountered any challenges or issues while using the CPE? If yes, please describe.

    10. Do you or your colleagues currently use any additional contract editing software to complete contract forms?